We met our friends a few weeks ago and they told us about their interesting experience with a Nadi Astrologer. Although I don't believe in astrology or anyone's predictions about me, I was curious to see and experience it for myself. I dragged my husband along for the experience. Now, Nadi in Tamil means 'to search' and this is an ancient form of astrology practiced in South India. The Indian sages of yore such as Agastya rishi, Brighu rishi, Koushika rishi, etc who were clairvoyants had foreseen the lives of many people and had written the predictions in ancient Tamil script in the form of poetry and sonnets on palm leaves. The original palm scripts are in Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu but copies of it are with astrologers practicing this all over the country. The search for one's palm leaf begins with a thumb print and finding the group of manuscripts matching it and then to find the specific seeker's leaf. This is done by a process of elimination where the astrologer asks specific questions pertaining to one's life and where the answer must be given only in 'yes' and 'no'. And if you are lucky you will find your palm script. Honestly, I was so excited about this unique experience and was expecting some ground shattering happy predictions about myself but my manuscript was not found at this centre. But they found my husband's and while the astrologer read out about his life, I sketched him
It was a unique experience nevertheless and I would recommend it for the experience if you can go with an open mind.